“I haven’t exercised in a long time, where do I get started?”
Great question. In the sea of fitness information and potential choices it can be a bit confusing. Lift weights, “Cardio”, Stretch, Yoga, Pilates, Run, Swim, Cycling, infomercial DVD you bought at 2:00AM the list goes on and on. My advice, just start with something, almost anything, get out there and get going. If you are totally confused on where to begin, I think walking is a great place to start. Walking can be done almost anywhere, is free and is something most of us can and know how to do. Try setting aside 15-30 minutes a day for a dedicated walking routine. As time goes on you can always add more time or a different mode of exercise, like riding a bike, lifting weights or taking a yoga class. If walking isn’t your thing or doesn’t work for you then find something that you can and will do and get out there and do it.
Next piece of advice and an important one, start slowly. The big mistake people make when getting back into an exercise routine is to start doing too much too soon or, once they’ve started, progressing how much and how hard they work too quickly. Too many times this backfires on people with not being able to accomplish what they set out to do, being really sore and/or getting injured. People then tend to get frustrated with the program they have laid out for themselves and many people just give up which is the worst thing of all.
So get out there and get started, but remember to start slowly and build slowly.
If you would like to share what helped you get started with your fitness routine please do so below. If you have questions on how to implement a health and fitness plan for yourself please send me a message through the contact page. I look forward to hearing form you.